There is a hint of an adventure with a villain-Wizzer-who can be found in some levels blocking way to end of the level. In Adventure, the player can choose to play as either a bear or cat. Purble Place is a game with two modes: Adventure and Free Play. 'A Look at Windows Vista Installed Games, '. 'Microsoft Windows Vista Build 5219 (Community Technical Preview 1) Review | Product Review content from Paul Thurrott's SuperSite for Windows'.

The beginner and intermediate levels are guessing games where after each move the computer tells the player which items were correct, so there is little scope for deduction. There are three difficulty levels: Beginner with three features in three possible colors for 3 3 = 27 different possible solutions, Intermediate with 4 4 = 256 solutions, and Advanced with 5 5 = 3125 solutions. The player then attempts to deduce or guess the correct feature colors in a limited number of moves. you can choose from a assortment of colors, and a color can be used once, several times or not used at all. The computer decides the color of up to five features (hat, eyes, nose, mouth and clothes) that are concealed from the player. The player makes about 5 or 6 cakes in one of the difficulty levels. At higher levels the specifications become more complex and multiple cakes must be manufactured in parallel on a single conveyor belt. The final score depends upon the number of cakes baked, the number of incorrect orders sent and the efficiency of the player in baking. After a certain number of correct orders are shipped, the player wins the game, and the score is tabulated. If the player sends three incorrect orders, the game is over. If the cake does not match the specification, the player is penalized and the cake gets thrown in the trash. sugar may be sprinkled on top of the cake, and in rarer cases, flames are applied to iced cakes to create a smooth glaze). Elements of the cake include shapes (square, circular or heart-shaped), flavor of batter (strawberry, chocolate or vanilla), optional icing (flavors as used in the batter) and other decorations (e.g. The object is to fill orders in a bakery by assembling a cake to match a given specification, by controlling a conveyor belt that brings the cake to various stations. THIS IS A DISGRace TO thE purble PLaCE COmmuntiTY I aam So DIASGUSTAND AT THIS GOVE ME puRPle Placee 1.Ĭomfy Cakes is a hand-eye coordination game. Purple Place is a fun game that can be played on any device. Play Purple Place, a free online kids game provided by GamesButler.

3: Purble Place is in fact, a suite of three computer games in one: Purble Pairs, Comfy Cakes, and Purble Shop. Purble Place is in fact, a suite of three computer games in one: Purble Pairs, Comfy Cakes, and Purble. Purble Place 1: Purble Place is in fact, a suite of three computer games in one: Purble Pairs, Comfy Cakes, and Purble Shop. Kid games for PC can help children to develop their cognitive skills and take in concepts whilst.

Purble Place is a pack of three mini-games for children in which kids can have fun training their memory, coordination and deductive skills on their PC. 9/10 (1748 votes) - Download Purble Place Free.