Organize your photos in catalogs or folders. Corel AfterShot Pro is a fast, flexible photo workflow solution that combines robust photo management, advanced non-destructive adjustments and complete RAW processing. Due to its RAW support, handy batch processing and great speed, Corel AfterShot Pro will still process your images quickly and accurately.Ĭorel AfterShot Pro is a fast, flexible photo. Learning Center (Help menu) provides access to product videos, help. Easily output your work for albums, web sites or client review. Experiment with and alter images freely with non-destructive adjustment tools and apply enhancements precisely with selective editing.

Two of my favorite plugins are part now of AfterShot Pro: VignePro (as an addon for registered users) and Color Equalizer (ex Harry/Sally). Description of problem: Installation of Corel AfterShot Pro 2 fails because libgstreamer-0.10.so.0 and libgstapp-0.10.so.0 are not available from their. Find images quickly with extensive Metadata tools that let you search by camera settings, keywords, tags and more. Later Bibble was acquired by Corel, and they rebranded Bibble to AfterShot Pro. 28 posts 1 2 Next Tadjio Posts: 1202 Joined: Fri 2:23 pm operatingsystem: Windows 8 Pro SystemDrive: C.

AfterShot Pro Perspective Correction zPerspector Plugin AfterShot Pro Plugins. Organize your photos in catalogs or folders. For discussion of the Corel products listed below ONLY. Paste the path into the navigation window for your system (such as the Windows Explorer address bar). On the General page, copy the path in the User Folder Location box. Click File > Install Plugin and choose the. Corel AfterShot Pro is a fast, flexible photo workflow solution that combines robust photo management, advanced non-destructive adjustments and complete RAW processing. Open AfterShot Pro, click File > Preferences. To install a plugin Do one of the following: Double-click a Corel AfterShot Pro plugin bundle (which ends with the.